
This is version 1.0 of the program (if it was a Mac program it would be version 1.0.0). I've tested it as much as possible, to the extent that I'm sick to death of it, so it should be as bug free as possible. If you find any bugs, or have any suggestions for a future version, please let me know when you register.

There's no reason why I can't do a V2.0 of the game, so any suggestions will be gratefully received.

The most fun part of the game is of course mission designing, so I'm working on a few more. I'll distribute these in a couple of ways:

Hopefully, soon other people will be doing missions too, so if the game takes off you should be seeing a lot of missions eventually!

Missions that I and others are working on at the minute:

There's only one way to make sure the game takes off... register!

As for my next project... does anyone remember a game called ``Krakatoa" on the Spectrum? This was released in about 1983 or 84, it was reviewed in the first issue of Crash magazine anyway. It was stunning! You were this helicopter pilot, who had to protect a village and an oil tanker from a huge volcano. Also, there was an enemy who launched rocket attacks every so on.

You could do all these brilliant things like bomb the oil tanker until some survivors jumped into a lifeboat, rescue them from the lifeboat, then fly them to the volcano and drop them in! This set off the volcano, which erupted all over this innocent little village, sending people running from their homes, ready to be rescued, or bombed, or landed on, or shot, or drowned, or dropped from a great height, or lowered into a volcano.

It really was something else. Anyway, I'm planning to do a version of this. I don't know who the original authors were, but if you're by any chance reading this, let me know. And if you want to see a game like that on the Amiga, register for AoW so I have an incentive!